Counce TN to Enid MS
Today marks one week since we left the Outer Banks on the and today we made it into Mississippi, our 7th state since leaving home. The sunrise over the Tennessee river this morning was beautiful but we weren’t ready to eat breakfast and headed south over the Pickwick Dam and stopped at the Mississippi welcome center to make some bacon and eggs for breakfast.

After breakfast we went to Walmart for groceries, we hadn’t shopped in several days and were out of just about everything. We picked up stuff to make spaghetti in the next few days!
Unfortunately they didn’t sell beer. What is it with the liquor laws in the south?
Oh well, back to the trail. We drove a little less than 200 miles today and at least 30% or more was gravel. The gravel roads here are great though, very well maintained and smooth but you had to be careful of washouts along the shoulders. The terrain and even the houses reminded us a lot of northern Michigan.
Lunchtime was sandwiches in a little park we passed. I had to get caught up on work and cache reviews so I did that while Libby got lunch ready. Spent a lot of time on chores and will need to find a laundromat tomorrow.

We use the AllStays travel app for IOS and it showed several Army Corp of Engineer campgrounds on Enid Lake so we veered off trail to head there. Fantastic campground, full hookups if you have an RV that were only $10 a night with our NP seniors pass, the $20 regular price is still good. We felt young here, but will be keeping an eye out for more AC campgrounds. A couple old fellas came by to tell us that every night a bunch of regulars gather to play bluegrass and that happened to be at the site opposite ours. We listened for a while then took a walk to do a geocache and spotted a deer along the way. We were showered and in bed by 9:30 this fresh air does us in. Tomorrow hope to cross the Mississippi River into Arkansas.