Ely NV to Battle Mountain NV
Today marks one month on the road since we left home. We’ve traveled a little over 5500 miles and spent 27 nights sleeping in our Jeep. During that time we’ve cooked dinner all but one night and have only had a couple lunches out. It’s been a blast so far.
We had to take care of a few things before leaving Ely, today was a Pokemon community day and we connected with a dozen or so others in a downtown park to play for a couple hours. We didn’t get out of town until about 1pm.
We took US 50 toward Eureka NV to meet back up with the trail which followed the highway for quite a long ways. US 50 has been called the Loneliest Highway in America. It’s basically a paved version of the gravel roads through nothing which is everywhere out here.
About 10 miles north of Eureka we turned off onto dirt roads again and once again the terrain changed. This area is covered with mining operations, mostly open pit mining that leaves piles of rubble the size of mountains. It’s incredible the size of these operations. Even though it was a Saturday the road was filled with trucks hauling whatever was being produced there. Photos can’t begin to capture the scale. One good thing is that because of all the heavy equipment the gravel roads were as wide as freeways and they were watered to keep the dust down. We found out that passing a water truck isn’t a good idea, both sides of the Jeep got covered in sticky wet mud.

After about 60-70 miles we intersected I-80 east of Battle Mountain NV and saw there was a rest area only a mile away. Went there and cooked some hamburgers at the tables and found good spot to park for the night. Nice place, two Pokestops, one gym, and a geocache but it was missing.