We are Rusty and Libby, our home base is in West Michigan.   Rusty does the driving and Libby takes most of the photos as we travel in our 2015 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.

Rusty owns his own business and is working to outsource the physical aspects so that we can travel more. Hopefully by the end of 2019 we can be on the road as much as we want. He has been a volunteer reviewer for Geocaching.com since 2003.

Libby is retired and does a little part time work to help pay for our travels.

Our hobbies besides traveling and camping include geocaching and Pokemon GO, both of which fit well with an on the road lifestyle.

In September of 2018 we spent 42 days traveling the TransAmerica Trail from Cape Hatteras North Carolina  to Port Orford Oregon. That trip was the inspiration to begin a blog for sharing more of our travels.