Getting ready for summer.

It’s time to get the Jeep ready for another season of adventure. The first thing on the agenda was to add a tailgate table to help with food prep and organization. Tailgate Table I knew that the tailgate tables you purchase were priced out of my budget so I searched for DIY to see what … Read more

Gear List

People often ask us what we carried with us on our overland trip. We take a minimalist approach to packing for a trip. We modify our basic list for when we’re in a motor home, tent camping, or it’s a hotel trip. Using that experience we created a list of what we wanted to bring … Read more

New Pathtag!

We have a new Pathtag! Yes, to mark our trip we made a tag featuring the Jeep against a mountain background and a sunny sky. Lucky we had sun for nearly the entire trip. If you’d like to have one of our tags just drop us an email and I’ll mail one out to you. … Read more

What is the TransAmerica Trail?

The Trans America Trail (TAT) is a transcontinental, coast to coast route across the United States and consists mostly of dirt roads, logging roads, fire roads, farm roads, unimproved roads, and back paved roads. GPSKevin Adventure Rides The TransAmerica Trail is nearly 6000 miles long, it was created by Sam Correro in 1984. Sam’s trail went from … Read more